Monday Sep 11, 2023
Save Wisely (9/10/23)
Monday Sep 11, 2023
Monday Sep 11, 2023
Going Through the Motions with My Stuff - Save Wisely (Proverbs 22:1-4)
Every one of us will face unexpected trouble in this life. Jesus said so - every day has enough trouble of it's own. Sometimes that includes financial trouble. But the wise person plans ahead. We don't always know what the trouble will be - but we can be sure that it will come. When you prepare by storing up for the day of trouble, it removes the stress. It takes off the pressure. And instead of having to borrow from others in the day of trouble, you can relax and step into whatever the crisis. Do you want to reduce the stress around finances? Give Generously. Save Wisely. And remember, your future is not secured in what you save - it is in God. Matthew 6:25-34
Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Give Generously (9/3/23)
Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Going Through the Motions with My Stuff - Give Generously (Mark 4:13-20)
These two teachings of Jesus set up the tension. There are two ways to live. We can hold and keep, or we can release and give. And as contrary as it may sound - in this kingdom, the blessing comes to those who choose to live generously. Malachi declared it (Malachi 3:8-12). Jesus taught it (Luke 6:38). Paul affirmed it (2 Corinthians 9:11-13). It all begins with a generous heart.
Monday Aug 28, 2023
Come to the Table (8/27/23)
Monday Aug 28, 2023
Monday Aug 28, 2023
Going Through the Motions of Relationships - Come to the Table (Luke 22:7-23, John 13)
Table fellowship is a unique blessing throughout the scriptures. Abraham entertained three mysterious guests. Moses and the elders of Israel sat down on Sinai for a fellowship meal. In the wilderness wandering, God provided bread (manna) to the people. Jesus invites us to the table. At the table we receive community and life. Likewise, we need to understand that for us to sustain spiritual depth - there likewise must be the deepest of commitment to the table - the place where the family of God gathers as the people of God - with the bread of life. The Lord's Supper is so much more than just a ritual to be observed; it is a way of saying - these are my people, this is my Jesus, this is my place! Come to the table!
Monday Aug 21, 2023
You - His Temple (8/20/23)
Monday Aug 21, 2023
Monday Aug 21, 2023
Going Through the Motions of Relationships - You - His Temple (1 Corinthians 3:16-17, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, & Romans 12:1-2)
The story of faith is a journey of God finding and making his place among his people. Follow the journey from the tabernacle to the temple - to the declaration of Jesus - that the temple is to be a house of prayer for all people. But it does not stop there - throughout the scriptures the journey is shown until God is present in the hearts of his people - until we finally arrive at that place of eternity - where God Himself is among us. So at this point in our journey - you - yes, your body - you are the temple of God. Not just you, but "all y'all" are the collective temple. But as we know with our own bodies - when one part suffers, the whole body suffers. So how are you taking care of your temple? Your relationship to your body (His body) matters. Pastor Kevin had a life coach who reminded him (and drilled into his head), you cannot be the man if you do not first build the man. Who are you building? There are so many facets to health (like a diamond), but these are essential: sleep, nutrition, movement. Pastor Kevin's first job at a church was custodian. The pastor there reminded him that how he cared for that little church building was a reflection of how he cared for Jesus. Same could be said of our bodies!
Monday Aug 14, 2023
Marriages that Thrive (8/13/23)
Monday Aug 14, 2023
Monday Aug 14, 2023
Going Through the Motions of Relationships - Marriages that Thrive (Song of Songs 8:6-7)
The "place" where going deeper in our relationship with Jesus should show up more than any other place - is in those closest relationships The marriage relationship is a unique place that is to express our bing joined to Jesus. In Ephesians 5:19, Paul talks about the mystery of our marriage relationship mirroring the relationship of Christ to the church. One of the beautiful Hebrew words for love is dod - it is the idea of the two becoming one flesh - but it is more - it is the mingling of souls. What does it take to "go deeper" in marriage? Man up! The man leads the way. Don't be passive. It is not so much about being a good man as it is being good at being a man! What does a man need to do well? 1) understand and relate well to women, 2) understand and master his money, 3) self-control and self-mastery, and 4) how to be a brother to other men. Here is a question for all of us - do we default to being the thermometer or the thermostat in our relationship in the home? Do I set the spiritual temperature? Do I reflect the temperature of life's stresses? The four habits of joy-filled marriages: Play together, Listen for emotion, Appreciate daily, Nurture rhythm.
Monday Aug 07, 2023
Be a Friend (8/6/23)
Monday Aug 07, 2023
Monday Aug 07, 2023
Going Through the Motions of Relationships - Be a Friend (Luke 7:33-34 & 36-50)
Going deeper in relationship requires eyes that see people - really see people. And in this story, you have movement of the woman from being known as a great "sinner" (v39) to a woman who shows great love (v47). When you really love one another - when you really love others - you want them to be in the presence of Jesus, to be "at the table" with Jesus. What does it take to be a great friend? Jesus was called a friend of sinners. Could the same be said of us? Who are the friends you are loving toward Jesus? Spiritual depth is directly tied to personal friendships. Where are you investing?
Monday Jul 31, 2023
Forgive (7/30/23)
Monday Jul 31, 2023
Monday Jul 31, 2023
Going Through the Motions of Relationships - Forgive (Romans 12:9-21, Ephesians 4:32, Matthew 6:14, Matthew 18:21-22, & Luke 23:34)
Coming out of isolation and into authentic relationship is the pathway to growing deeper. But coming out of isolation isn't just about the people around you - right now. We often carry with us baggage and bitterness from our past. We are sternly warned about bitterness (Hebrews 12:15, Ephesians 4:31). A couple great examples of forgiveness include Jacob and Esau. When Jacob comes home he has to face the past and face his brother. The story sets up like it is going to be a great conflict - but instead, it is a story of forgiveness. The past wounds are forgiven. NOTE: Even though they forgive and move on from the past - there is no genuine restoration. They are reconciled but continue to live quite separately. Another story of forgiveness would be Paul and John Mark. Early on in the missions trips, Paul and Barnabas take John Mark, but Mark quits (Acts 13:13). Next time, the subject of Mark coming along a second time erupts in a divisive rupture between Paul and Barnabas (Acts 15:36-41). But by the end of his life, Paul makes a plea that Mark be brought to him, for he is most useful (2 Timothy 4:11). This story is one of full forgiveness and restoration. We never know where the journey of forgiveness will take us until we walk it. Jesus is, of course, the full example of forgiveness as he prays for our forgiveness when He is on our cross.
Monday Jul 24, 2023
One Another (7/23/23)
Monday Jul 24, 2023
Monday Jul 24, 2023
Going Through the Motions of Relationships - One Another (John 13:34 & Matthew 22:39)
Coming out of isolation and into relationship requires a risky commitment. It demands an investment in one another AND others. The risk of this type of community is seen in the story of Saul (Paul) in Damascus. You see the risk that Ananias feels, (Acts 9:13, "But Lord..."). Likewise, you see it in the community (Acts 9:21). Paul's ability and his standing in the community are a result of the community itself. It's been said that every human being has just a few basic needs (from psychological health): To know and be known. To love and be loved. To serve and be served. That is at the root of the Christian community. Aristides talked about this amazing love of the Christian community in the Roman world.
Monday Jul 17, 2023
Together (7/16/23)
Monday Jul 17, 2023
Monday Jul 17, 2023
Going Through the Motions of Relationships - Together (Matthew 4:12-22)
As soon as the time of 40 days of fasting and praying is complete, Jesus gets to work calling together the disciples. We were created for relationship. From Geneses 1:26-28, it is clear we were created for relationship with one another and with God. And our relationship with God is all tied up in our relationship with one another (1 John 4:20). The very first time God says something is "not good" is in the second creation story, Genesis 2:18. Throughout our culture we are seeing the devastating effects of isolation. To go deeper, we must deliberately choose to move out of our isolation - and specifically into faith relationships. Step OUT of isolation.
Monday Jul 10, 2023
When the Church Prays (7/9/2023)
Monday Jul 10, 2023
Monday Jul 10, 2023
Going Through the Motions of Prayer - When the Church Prays (Acts 12)
All last year we were in one sermon series: Preach Jesus. The point of that was simply that you and I would see Jesus. But, once you see Jesus: what's next? You worship Him. But then what? What's next? There is a simple phrase Jesus used over and over again when interacting with people, "Follow Me." Jesus was inviting people (then and now) to go with Him on a journey. He was offering to be their guide, and as their guide, he was going to take them to places they could not and would not go without Him.. The words "Follow Me" were mission-critical for the church. It was an invitation to a way of life. So, for much of the year to come, we are going to talk about "going through the motions" with Jesus. How are you following Him?
Until we learn to go through the motions and rhythms and disciplines of our faith journey, we will not experience all that Jesus has to show us. Prayer is the first essential movement of going deeper with Him. There was a prayer rhythm to Jesus' life. What is your rhythm? Maybe you can pray in the early morning - before daylight time. Maybe you can pray before you take that first sip of coffee. Maybe you could pause to pray at lunchtime or at bedtime. In the weeks to come, we will be laying out for you many rhythms of prayer that you can weave into your life.