Monday Jul 03, 2023
Yield (7/2/2023)
Monday Jul 03, 2023
Monday Jul 03, 2023
Going Through the Motions of Prayer - Yield (Romans 12:1; Matthew 26:36-46)
All last year we were in one sermon series: Preach Jesus. The point of that was simply that you and I would see Jesus. But, once you see Jesus: what's next? You worship Him. But then what? What's next? There is a simple phrase Jesus used over and over again when interacting with people, "Follow Me." Jesus was inviting people (then and now) to go with Him on a journey. He was offering to be their guide, and as their guide, he was going to take them to places they could not and would not go without Him.. The words "Follow Me" were mission-critical for the church. It was an invitation to a way of life. So, for much of the year to come, we are going to talk about "going through the motions" with Jesus. How are you following Him?
Until we learn to go through the motions and rhythms and disciplines of our faith journey, we will not experience all that Jesus has to show us. Prayer is the first essential movement of going deeper with Him. There was a prayer rhythm to Jesus' life. What is your rhythm? Maybe you can pray in the early morning - before daylight time. Maybe you can pray before you take that first sip of coffee. Maybe you could pause to pray at lunchtime or at bedtime. In the weeks to come, we will be laying out for you many rhythms of prayer that you can weave into your life.
Monday Jun 26, 2023
Ask (6/25/2023)
Monday Jun 26, 2023
Monday Jun 26, 2023
Going Through the Motions of Prayer - Ask (Luke 11:5-11; Philippians 4:6-7)
All last year we were in one sermon series: Preach Jesus. The point of that was simply that you and I would see Jesus. But, once you see Jesus: what's next? You worship Him. But then what? What's next? There is a simple phrase Jesus used over and over again when interacting with people, "Follow Me." Jesus was inviting people (then and now) to go with Him on a journey. He was offering to be their guide, and as their guide, he was going to take them to places they could not and would not go without Him.. The words "Follow Me" were mission-critical for the church. It was an invitation to a way of life. So, for much of the year to come, we are going to talk about "going through the motions" with Jesus. How are you following Him?
Until we learn to go through the motions and rhythms and disciplines of our faith journey, we will not experience all that Jesus has to show us. Prayer is the first essential movement of going deeper with Him. There was a prayer rhythm to Jesus' life. What is your rhythm? Maybe you can pray in the early morning - before daylight time. Maybe you can pray before you take that first sip of coffee. Maybe you could pause to pray at lunchtime or at bedtime. In the weeks to come, we will be laying out for you many rhythms of prayer that you can weave into your life.
Monday Jun 19, 2023
Pause (6/11/2023)
Monday Jun 19, 2023
Monday Jun 19, 2023
Going Through the Motions of Prayer - Pause (Psalm 23; Psalm 46:10a, Matthew 6:9)
All last year we were in one sermon series: Preach Jesus. The point of that was simply that you and I would see Jesus. But, once you see Jesus: what's next? You worship Him. But then what? What's next? There is a simple phrase Jesus used over and over again when interacting with people, "Follow Me." Jesus was inviting people (then and now) to go with Him on a journey. He was offering to be their guide, and as their guide, he was going to take them to places they could not and would not go without Him.. The words "Follow Me" were mission-critical for the church. It was an invitation to a way of life. So, for much of the year to come, we are going to talk about "going through the motions" with Jesus. How are you following Him?
Until we learn to go through the motions and rhythms and disciplines of our faith journey, we will not experience all that Jesus has to show us. Prayer is the first essential movement of going deeper with Him. There was a prayer rhythm to Jesus' life. What is your rhythm? Maybe you can pray in the early morning - before daylight time. Maybe you can pray before you take that first sip of coffee. Maybe you could pause to pray at lunchtime or at bedtime. In the weeks to come, we will be laying out for you many rhythms of prayer that you can weave into your life.
Monday Jun 19, 2023
Rejoice (6/18/2023)
Monday Jun 19, 2023
Monday Jun 19, 2023
Going Through the Motions of Prayer - Rejoice (Philippians 4:4; Psalm 37:4, Psalm 63)
All last year we were in one sermon series: Preach Jesus. The point of that was simply that you and I would see Jesus. But, once you see Jesus: what's next? You worship Him. But then what? What's next? There is a simple phrase Jesus used over and over again when interacting with people, "Follow Me." Jesus was inviting people (then and now) to go with Him on a journey. He was offering to be their guide, and as their guide, he was going to take them to places they could not and would not go without Him.. The words "Follow Me" were mission-critical for the church. It was an invitation to a way of life. So, for much of the year to come, we are going to talk about "going through the motions" with Jesus. How are you following Him?
Until we learn to go through the motions and rhythms and disciplines of our faith journey, we will not experience all that Jesus has to show us. Prayer is the first essential movement of going deeper with Him. There was a prayer rhythm to Jesus' life. What is your rhythm? Maybe you can pray in the early morning - before daylight time. Maybe you can pray before you take that first sip of coffee. Maybe you could pause to pray at lunchtime or at bedtime. In the weeks to come, we will be laying out for you many rhythms of prayer that you can weave into your life.
Monday Jun 05, 2023
What is Prayer? (6/4/2023)
Monday Jun 05, 2023
Monday Jun 05, 2023
Going Through the Motions of Prayer - What is Prayer? (Luke 11:1-4)
All last year we were in one sermon series: Preach Jesus. The point of that was simply that you and I would see Jesus. But, once you see Jesus: what's next? You worship Him. But then what? What's next? There is a simple phrase Jesus used over and over again when interacting with people, "Follow Me." Jesus was inviting people (then and now) to go with Him on a journey. He was offering to be their guide, and as their guide, he was going to take them to places they could not and would not go without Him.. The words "Follow Me" were mission-critical for the church. It was an invitation to a way of life. So, for much of the year to come, we are going to talk about "going through the motions" with Jesus. How are you following Him?
Until we learn to go through the motions and rhythms and disciplines of our faith journey, we will not experience all that Jesus has to show us. Prayer is the first essential movement of going deeper with Him. There was a prayer rhythm to Jesus' life. What is your rhythm? Maybe you can pray in the early morning - before daylight time. Maybe you can pray before you take that first sip of coffee. Maybe you could pause to pray at lunchtime or at bedtime. In the weeks to come, we will be laying out for you many rhythms of prayer that you can weave into your life.
Tuesday May 30, 2023
Glory (5/28/2023)
Tuesday May 30, 2023
Tuesday May 30, 2023
Worship Jesus: It Has Nothing to Do With Volume - Glory (Revelation 19:4-7)
Revelation 19:6, "Then I heard again what sounded like the shout of a vast crowd or the roar of mighty ocean waves or the crash of loud thunder..." It was loud!
This final picture of the worship of heaven brings back into focus much of the themes that we've seen and experienced in looking at so many worship services before. The sound is not unlike Sinai or Pentecost. It is reminiscent of the crowds at Jericho and Jerusalem. Worship is ultimately not about us. It is always about bringing glory to God. And what is it that brings Him glory? When the world down here, looks more and more like the world up there. His Kingdom come is to be our prayer. It is our worship that fuels such a vision. Our praise to bring Him Glory.
Worship Moment: Shâbach
Psalm 145:4, "Let each generation tell its children of your might acts; let them proclaim your power." Loud worship passes the glory of God from one generation to the next. Again, it has nothing to do with volume, but it has everything to do with a wholly surrendered life - that brings God glory.
Monday May 22, 2023
Loud Words (5/21/2023)
Monday May 22, 2023
Monday May 22, 2023
Worship Jesus: It Has Nothing to Do With Volume - Loud Words (Revelation 1:9-20)
Revelation 1:10, "...I was worshipping in the Spirit. Suddenly, I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet blast." It was loud!
God's word is like a megaphone for our lives. Are we listening? It was John's custom to be in worship (It is assumed in the text); but in the ordinary of the routine - something new, something fresh breaks in. God has a message for His Church. It's a new message, but not really. new. It is the same message, but being received in a fresh new way. He tells John, "Write it down. Don't miss it. Get it right!" Jesus is always speaking to his church. (He is always speaking to his churches.) His words "shout" to us, if we will listen.
Worship Moment: Tehillâh
Psalm 22:3, "Yet, you are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel." Are the words of your mouth a suitable residency for the Holy God to reside? Can He dwell in the throne of your heart? Jesus said out of the heart, the mouth speaks. What is the condition of your heart? Is it an amphitheater of worship?
Monday May 15, 2023
Wholly Surrendered: Take Two (5/14/2023)
Monday May 15, 2023
Monday May 15, 2023
Worship Jesus: It Has Nothing to Do With Volume - Wholly Surrendered: Take Two (Psalm 103 & Acts 2)
Acts 2:2 & 6, "Suddenly, there was a sound from heaven like the roaring of a mighty windstorm, and it filled the house where they were sitting." v6 "When they heard the noise, everyone came running." It was loud!
Acts 2 is the second take of the Sinai event. Whereas that was the worship experience where God revealed Himself (literally) to the nation as their God - at Pentecost - God repeats for "all the nations" what he did for "the" nation. And the neat thing about the text is that phrase, "When they heard it, everyone came running" - wouldn't it be something for everyone to come running to the presence of God?! This is the calling of the church then. This is the call of the church today. To worship God is ultimately - to bless all the nations of the earth (all people, everywhere). Our worship is not complete until we have declared Him to all people everywhere. Every Man, Woman and Child. Worship is the surrender of all our life and service to His purposes.
Worship Moment: Bârak
Psalm 72:11, "All kings will bow before Him and all nations will serve Him." The vision of a church looks more and more like the vision of heaven of every nation, every tribe, every tongue.
Monday May 08, 2023
Broken Praise (5/7/2023)
Monday May 08, 2023
Monday May 08, 2023
Worship Jesus: It Has Nothing to Do With Volume - Broken Praise (Ezra 3)
Ezra 3:13, "The joyful shouting and weeping mingled together in a loud noise that could be heard far in the distance." It was loud! Our lives are a mingling of brokenness and wholeness. We are renewed, restored, made right. But at the same time, we are sinful, fragmented, and fractured. We are not as we should be. We very much live in a world of the Kingdom realized, but not yet. There is a tension in our worship. The picture of weeping and rejoicing is a great picture of the broken condition that we bring to our worship.
Worship Moment: Tôwdâh
Psalm 56:11-12, I trust in God, so why should I be afraid? What can mere mortals do to me? I will fulfill my vows to you, O god, and will offer a sacrifice of thanks for your help." while we often try to hide our brokenness, and we do not want others to know our frailty - how ironic it is that when we confess our failure that our worship becomes a thing of praise overflowing out of a grateful heart. We should be broken (weeping) and at the same time rejoicing.
Monday May 01, 2023
Empty Volume (4/30/2023)
Monday May 01, 2023
Monday May 01, 2023
Worship Jesus: It Has Nothing to Do With Volume - Empty Volume (1 Samuel 4:1-11)
1 Samuel 4:5, "...their shout of joy was so loud it made the ground shake!" It was loud.
This has all the markings of an incredible moment in which God shows up in a special way. Even though this was the "time of the Judges" (every one did as they thought was right in their own eyes); it appears that God is about to do a mighty work. They know, if the ark is with them, God is with them. If God is with them,, nothing short of a victory is theirs! And yet, we find this is just a "false loud." Worship is more than just the sound. We are not in control. We need to hold "loosely" to our ideas of control. God is not bound by our assumptions and desires. Worship is to come before God without presumptions or demands. We hold out our lives with open hands.
Worship Moment: Zâmar
Psalm 144:9, "I will sing a new song to you, O God! I will sing your praises..." While worship is so much more than music - there is a sense in which our lives become our song to the Lord. We must constantly strive to allow God to make us new - so that our lives become a concert of new songs, new praise to the Lord for His goodness. We should never attempt to trap God into our old assumptions. He is forever new - our lives should be forever renewed!