Monday Feb 13, 2023
Purposefully Missional (2/12/2023)
Monday Feb 13, 2023
Monday Feb 13, 2023
Jesus in You: Purposefully Missional (Acts 1:8, Acts 14:14, Acts 15, Acts 28:41)
We do not get to choose our purpose. We do not get to create our mission. Jesus, who indwells us by the power of His Holy Spirit - tells us what we are to do. And lest there is any confusion - he makes it abundantly clear in the simplest and most succinct mission statement: Acts 1:8. This mission will not fail. It will go on by the living power of the Holy Spirit alive in his church. You see this mission in the Spirit compelled travels of Paul: Acts 13:4-6, 13-14a, 46-49 (note in v49, it was the Lord's message), 52 (believers filled with JOY and the Holy Spirit), 14:1, 21-28 (note: in 14:27 they call what happened, "everything that God had done.") This is still our mission. It is unending. In fact, the very last word in the book of Acts is "Unhindered." When you get to the end of the book, it appears that the church may be in trouble. The great apostle Paul is in chains. He is in Rome. He will soon be executed by the word of Caesar. But Luke tells us that the work of the church is alive and well. It will go unhindered.
But having made that pronouncement at the end of Acts - (like the book end to the mission) - in the middle of the book there are two warnings to the church. There were and are, two things which threaten the missional purpose of the church: Pride and Division. These are the two great enemies of every church. In Acts 14:14, Paul and Barnabas go to great lengths to combat the temptation of Pride. They fight pride with humility of spirit. They go to war agains pride. (They could barely constrain the people). And in Acts 15 they likewise go to war for Unity in the body. In John 17:9-26, Jesus prays for the disciples then and now. And his prayer is all about unity - unity with one another, in Christ - a unity that first exists between Father and Son, Son and Spirit, Spirit and Father. The church is to be the community of believers who reflect the very unity of God that has existed from the very beginning: "Let us make humankind in our image, to be like us."
Monday Feb 06, 2023
Intentionally Diverse (2/5/2023)
Monday Feb 06, 2023
Monday Feb 06, 2023
Jesus in You: Intentionally Diverse (Acts 10:1-48)
From the beginning of the Spirit work of Jesus in the church - it is clear that the saving message of Jesus Christ is for all people. Acts 1:8. It is not just for you and me. It is to go out from us to all people. One of the first things the spirit does is break down the walls of separation of the people in Jerusalem (Acts 2:5 - every nation). The work of Jesus is to break down the dividing walls of hostility. It has been that way from the very beginning. Even the promise of God to Abraham was that he would be the means of blessing all people through him (well, not him, but the one to come from him - Jesus!). The diversity of the church is like unto the harmony that runs throughout the melody of the story of Acts. It's always happening...subtly, but certainly. Acts 8:1-2, even in their pain, the message goes to all people. Next, Phillip goes to Samaria, and then an Ethiopian. An then in Acts 10, the Spirit ambushes Peter and takes him to a Roman Centurian - and his whole house is saved. By the end of this, "gentiles" receive the same outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The church in Antioch is a church rich in diversity (Acts 13:1-3). Jesus people understand; if Jesus is for all people - then all people are to be reached for Jesus. This is why we say, "We exist so that every man, woman, and child has the opportunity to know Christ..." It is our calling. Just like the church in Acts reflected the world around her, so to may New Work Fellowship look more and more like the community around us.
Monday Jan 30, 2023
Biblically Generous (1/29/2023)
Monday Jan 30, 2023
Monday Jan 30, 2023
Jesus in You: Radically Generous (Acts 2:42-47)
The generosity of the church isn't just seen in Jerusalem, but it goes on. Therefore, the teaching of Paul in 2 Corinthians is so relevant. In 2 Corinthians 8:1-5 and 2 Corinthians 9:7-8, Paul begins by calling the generosity of the church in Macedonia, "what God has done." When we are generous, we are joining God in His work. Where the Spirit of God is at work in the people of God, living in the indwelling presence of Jesus - the result is radical generosity. And why not? Our God is incredibly generous! Generosity is not always easy. There are dangerous "generosity killers" that the church must wisely confront: greed and inequity. The story of Ananias and Sapphira is all about greed. Verse 11 is a warning to all the greedy in the house of God, "Great fear gripped the entire church and everyone else..." Well, for good reason! Greed has no place among Jesus' people. And the next crisis for the church comes in Acts 6. This time, there are those in need who are not being cared for. There is inequity. What ever happened to the "no need among them" of Acts 3:34-35? The church is to steward well the resources of God. When you choose to be generous, by the prompting of the spirit of God - Jesus alive in you and through you becomes evident.
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Biblically Serious (1/22/2023)
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Jesus in You: Biblically Serious Acts 2:14-41
When the Holy Spirit comes - the first thing (priority) that happens is that God's Word is made clear. A lot of time, we get all entangled in the debate about how the disciples spoke in these languages. And be sure, it is clear, they were speaking known languages here (not unknown tongue). But the purpose and the reason and the result of their speaking was to make the Word of God known. To all people. God's Word is the serious work of the people of God. This is why you need to be in chairtime - every year, every day . This is why you need to be in small groups with other believers breaking open the Word of God - every week with consistency and commitment. Knowing the Word of God, making know the Word of God is the central work of the church.
Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
Spiritually Alive (1/15/2023)
Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
Spiritually Alive - Acts 2:1-13 & John 16:5-15
When the promised Holy Spirit fully arrives in power and presence on the day of Pentecost—we are told that EVERYONE present was filled with the Holy Spirit. And the result of that was throughout the city, there was amazement and wonder. In fact, they ask, “What can this mean?” There was something fresh and new here. NOTHING like this had ever happened before! But in fact, there was something very familiar in all of this. Acts 2 should be read in concert with Exodus 19. The similarities are overwhelming. This is the new “coming down” of God. And just like when God came down at Sinai with his ten WORDS, so too, this time, through the Holy Spirit we learn from God about life with Him.
Monday Jan 09, 2023
Alive and In You! (1/8/2023)
Monday Jan 09, 2023
Monday Jan 09, 2023
Alive and In You! (Acts 1:1-11)
When Luke wrote his first letter (Luke), he told us all about the things that “Jesus began to do and teach.” In Luke’s second letter (Acts), he tells us about everything Jesus does in and through the Spirit of God, present in His church. Luke calls it “instructions through the Holy Spirit”. It is clear in the Greek, that this was how Jesus taught the church after his ascension. Jesus is still alive and active through the indwelling of the Spirit of God, in you—and He is at work through His Church. The Holy Spirit is God’s good gift to us. Jesus taught the disciples about the Holy Spirit (John 14:15-30). The Holy Spirit indwells us and never leaves us (v16). The Holy Spirit leads us to truth (v17), He teaches us and reminds us (v26). He continues his teaching about the Holy Spirit in the “abide” chapter, John 15:26-27. The Holy Spirit teaches us about Jesus. The teaching continues in John 16:5-15. The Holy Spirit convicts of sin. He guides you. He brings glory to Jesus. In Acts, we read that the Holy Spirit empowers the church. Have you believed in Jesus? Are you walking with him? When you believe, the Holy Spirit indwells you. The very waters of baptism are the picture of being wrapped up in the Holy Spirit. Jesus is in you! The Spirit is in you. God calls you to come alive!
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Remember and Forget (1/1/2023)
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Remember and Forget (Isaiah 43:14-19)
The reality of age is that our focus tends to look back and remember. That's a good thing! God calls us to remember and celebrate what has been; however, our mission is forward. This is our focus. God is leading us. We see the movement of God, and He is always advancing His Kingdom. Let's dream a little about what could be the reality in 2023.
Tuesday Dec 27, 2022
The Advent of Love Forevermore (12/25/2022)
Tuesday Dec 27, 2022
Tuesday Dec 27, 2022
John described the “glory” of Jesus as being on display through his “fullness of unfailing love and faithfulness” (NLT) (these words describe the loving kindness (chesed) of the OT. The Greek is Grace and Truth. But when you put grace and truth together, you get love. Indeed, the thing that shines brightest about Jesus, is love. Jesus was the gift of Love, “For God so loved…” (John 3:16). Jesus declared that love is the calling of his followers: John 13:33-34; John 15:9-11). Love is also the distinctive marker that sets his followers apart: John 13:34. But the love of Jesus isn’t just temporary or temporal love. It is forever. In fact, one of the final portraits of Jesus is the bridal language of Revelation—like a wedding, like a bride. And the description is tender with love. Revelation 21:1-4. That’s a beautiful picture of heaven to come. But in the meantime we have been taught to pray, “Thy kingdom come… thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” We pray heaven down. And we do here on earth, what God will do then—in love, touch the hurting. Bring hope, bring peace, bring joy, show love. That is why we take the benevolence offering.
Just as Jesus has come into the world, so too, together with all the believers who have ever lived—we echo again the longing—even so, come Lord Jesus come!
Monday Dec 19, 2022
The Advent of Joy Overflowing (12/18/2022)
Monday Dec 19, 2022
Monday Dec 19, 2022
The Advent of Joy Overflowing (John 15:11)
Joy and Jesus are inextricably connected. Jesus says knowing him, remaining connected to him results in our experience of overflowing Joy. We are to keep our focus on Him. Hebrews tells us it was joy awaiting Him, that he endured even the cross. What kind of Joy is enough to make you endure such suffering? Overflowing Joy! (Hebrews 12:1-12, specifically v2.) So keep your eyes on Jesus! Isaiah described the Messiah as pouring out a joyous blessing (Isaiah 61:3). No one has more joy—the bible calls it the oil of joy. And it is true—one of the themes of Jesus' teaching was joy. In one of the most familiar passages (Luke 15), Jesus tells three stories that result in Joy: lost sheep, lost coin, lost son. All three stories end with a joyful celebration. When Jesus comes—we will finally and fully see and experience JOY! 1 Corinthians 13:12 reminds us that all that we see and know right now is broken and fragile, but there is a day coming when we will fully see—and what we will see when we see Jesus, is JOY!
Monday Dec 12, 2022
The Advent of Peace Made Firm (12/11/2022)
Monday Dec 12, 2022
Monday Dec 12, 2022
The Advent of Peace Made Firm (Revelation 19:11-16)
Jesus is coming again. And when he comes, the Peace we long for will be absolutely firm. Jesus is King. He is Judge. He is the Priest—who makes right. He is the only one worthy to bring the peace we long for. And the Peace we seek is rooted in His righteousness. Justice and peace are connected. (We know it in our hearts). There can be no peac, until there is justice and righteousness. When there is no peace, you can be sure—justice is absent. (This has become a slogan of the racial injustice protests in our country: “no justice, no peace.”) Not only is it true in our world, but it is true in our hearts. We long for justice. We yearn for true judgement. Jesus comes to make all things right. Who is seated on the throne in your life? There is only one who is worthy. There is only one who is qualified. Jesus is coming—and he comes to Judge—but the judgement he brings will bring you peace. Let Him rule - beginning today.
Even so, come Lord Jesus come!